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Yutaka Saito
日本国家癌症中心医院 | Endoscopy Division

Dr. Yutaka Saito is the Director of the Endoscopy Division at the National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. He also has served as an attending Professor of Gastroenterology at Tokyo Medical University since April 2017.

He has been invited to perform as a faculty member and live demonstrator in numerous countries. He was honored for an invited professor at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota and Jacksonville, Florida in 2010, and at Arizona in 2016.

He was also commended for Basil Hirschowitz Master Endoscopist Award for advancing the art and science of endoscopy throughout the world in 2013 and Certificate of appreciation of Outstanding Reviewer for GIE: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2015-2017.

He has a wide spectrum of research exposure and interests including 

1. Chromo-magnification Colonoscopy

2. Endoscopic Mucosal Resection and Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for early gastrointestinal cancer

3. Colon capsule endoscopy and artificial intelligence diagnosis for colorectal neoplasia

4. Full-thickness resection and closure technique and device developments

5. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed English papers and textbooks






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2022-11-18 13:30-15:00 Room 2

Symposium E2: Colorectal Endoscopy

2022-11-18 13:50-14:10 Room 2

Symposium E2: Colorectal Endoscopy

讲者 Management of Anorectal Diseases for the Practicing Gastroenterologist
2022-11-19 09:30-09:50 Room 2

Symposium E4: ESD

讲者 Best Practice in ESD for Colorectal Lesions